Friday, September 11, 2009

"Training Exercise" on Sept. 11th

Um...bullshit? Well, maybe not bullshit, but this seems a little fishy. At least there are some idiots in the Coast Guard scheduling department.

The gist is, while Obama was doing a commemoration for Sept. 11th in DC, shots were fired on the Potomac. A bunch of people freaked out, including local law enforcement.

And after a DELAY, they say it was "just an exercise."

I mean, don't you think it's a little odd that they would schedule a random, live-fire exercise on Sept. 11th during a commemoration event? And not tell anyone?

Call me skeptical I guess...

Click to read original article

1 comment:

  1. Anything else come out about this? Conspiracy theories at least? I'd like an update Mr. Blogger.
